Due to the nature of U-joints, when using two on a shaft it is necessary to Mis-Phase the U-joints, this is the proper way to create the shaft.
Mis-phasing is accomplished by making sure that the yokes attached to either end of a shaft are 90 degrees out of alignment as opposed to having the yokes aligned – or in phase. Placing the U-joints In-phase is a common misperception.
Unisteer has the ability to cut you a shaft any length you need, but generally we find it best to sell long lengths, splined on one end and then you have the ability to fit and cut it to length as you see fit! Our splined shafts come with one or both ends splined with a 9/16”-30 tooth spline. This gives you the ability to change the phasing on the shaft assembly in 12-degree increments.
Shaft, 36”, 9/16”-30 x 9/16”-30, Plated in Lustrous Zinc Dichromate.